Get LEI code to Identify Business Globally.

Global legal entity identifier number in a standardized form. Governed by the GLEIF - Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation. Endorsed by G20 countries.

Secure Financial Transactions with LEI code

ISO 17442 - all organizations are eligible for the LEI code. It is needed by any legal entity whose activities incorporate financial transactions.

LEI code Level 2 Data
Who Owns Whom

Level 2 data enables the identification of the direct and ultimate parents of a legal entity and vice versa.

LEI News, Updates & Blog


The Value of the LEI for Central Banks

In June 2012, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) published its report, A Global Legal Identifier for Financial Markets which set out its recommendations and proposals to overcome the weaknesses in financial reporting by identifying participants in any financial transaction. On 28 May 2019, the FSB published the Thematic Review on Implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier.


The appropriate time to begin its adoption of the LEI, says SWIFT

With 1.5m organizations around the world now registered with a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), the LEI has quickly proven its value as the “one identity behind every business”. The SWIFT Payment Market Practice Group (PMPG) states that “ LEIs have huge potential to improve the identification of parties within payment processes, increase efficiency across the system, and automate and improve sanctions and other similar checks.


GLEIF Published the Second Quarter of 2019 LEI report

In August 2019, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) published the latest quarterly report, which highlights key developments relevant to the adoption of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Specifically, the reports assess annual growth and renewal expectations, evaluate the level of competition between LEI issuing organizations operating in the Global LEI System and analyze LEI renewal rates and reference data corroboration. Since July 2017, we also deliver statistics on direct and ultimate parent information provided by legal entities.


Download Global LEI Data Quality Report

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) publishes the monthly ‘Global LEI Data Quality Report’. It provides the following information identifying the overall data quality within the Global LEI System


Legal Entity Identifier News

Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation provides an overview of the latest global developments relevant to Legal Entity Identifier adoption

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